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February Break:​   TDS is closed for February break from Sunday 2/16 through Saturday 2/22.

We are open for classes on Fri 2/14 and Sat 2/15.


Weather Closures:

THURSDAY FEB 6th:  All classes are canceled due to unsafe driving.


​Recital Announcement:


We have just announced the date and name of our spring recital.  Save the date for "Decades" on Saturday, May 17th, 2025 at North Reading High School.  













(ages 3 and up)


Registration for our Full-Year 2024-25 season is now closed. Our Full-Year schedule runs Sept-May.  Please email us with any questions and class suggestions for this summer and fall. 

Our summer scheudule will lekely be availbale in March and our fall schedule will be available the first week in June.  


Wiggles, our toddler and caregiver program, has enrollment all year.  Next session begins January 22 and 25.  









Register, see personal class schedule, make payments, make payments and more...

Need Supplies?

Order from our pro-shop here!  

Buy online and your items will be waiting for you at the studio...

so easy!!

Click HERE to enter our online shop.


If you need to purchase anything in person, please email the studio to set up a time or so that we know to fit your student while we have

them in class.  

Tuition Rates


Our tuition is based on a 6 payment scale.  The payments are due monthly in Sept, Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, March.  (No payment due in December.)  However, each payment is worth about 6 weeks of classes.  As an example, if your child were to take one class a week, your tuition would be $90 per payment.  If you added a second class (for the same dancer or a sibling), that class would be $85 per payment.  Therefore, your total payment for 2 classes per month would be $175.  At the time of registration, you will only be charged the one-time fee of $25.  We will later send you a confirmation of your classes along with a calculation of your tuition.  For assistance with figuring out your projected tuition before registering, please email us.


 For a more detailed explanation, click here. 



Young Ballerinas



Our program for toddlers w/ an adult is a great way to introduce your little one to a classroom setting and creative movement! 


Next session: Late January 


Wednesdays 9:30 - 10:10

Saturdays 9:00 - 9:40 


$100 for 8-week session

Proration available 

Please email us for more information!








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